After 8 great years at The PNR, I’ve decided it’s time to move on. This was obviously not an easy decision to make but I could not be happier to be leaving at a time where the company is in great shape and that the future is bright.
I’m so proud of what we accomplished. I’ll probably write more about the journey on tear soaked pages. It’s been an amazing ride with invaluable experiences and lifelong friendships.
We are also expecting our first baby this summer (it’s a girl!). It will be a good time to learn how to be a dad and rest & recharge before my next adventure. Parenting tips are most welcome!
I want to thank my co-founders Jean-Francois Leduc and Martin Gourdeau. We took a huge leap of faith and burned the boats together.
I’m happy to have worked with two new partners that joined, Genevieve Guay and Jonathan Gaudette. I learned a sh*t ton from them and with JF, the company is in capable hands. I want to thank all the brilliant colleagues that joined this scrappy startup. The level of talent we assembled is what I’m most proud of. It made me believe that we can take on the world (and we did).
Je tiens à remercier nos clients et partenaires qui nous ont soutenus et continuent à croire en notre mission.
Vous avez cru en nous et surtout dans un modèle différent de ce qui existe dans le marché, soit une firme de conseil qui met les données et l’exécution de la stratégie en avant-plan. Vous avez cru dans une entreprise qui privilégie les relations humaines à long terme.
Nicolas Legault, Marc-Antoine Legault, Marie-France Legault et Marie-Josée Legault du Groupe Legault
Votre entreprise familiale est une inspiration pour tous les entrepreneurs du pays. Vos valeurs et approche humaine ont fait en sorte que votre entreprise sera pérenne.
J’ai eu la chance de travailler avec de merveilleux leaders de votre équipe comme Isabelle Lemay, Scott Arsenault et Martin Deschênes.
Stephan Morency et Claire Bisson de Fondaction
Vous avez donné beaucoup plus que du sens à l’argent. Vous avez donné du sens aux relations avec vos partenaires ainsi qu’avec les entrepreneurs au sein de votre portefeuille. La vision de transformation positive que vous proposez est remarquable.
Tom Birch, Normand Chartrand, Wils Theagene, Catherine Beauchemin et Mathieu Provost de CDPQ
Vous avez fait confiance à une entreprise qui n’avait pas une marque réputée et pris une chance avec nous. Je suis inspiré par votre audace et par l’ampleur de votre ambition.
When new team members would join the company, I would sit down during our first one on one and tell them the same speech. After 5 years of working at Point of No Return, you are automatically fired and have to start your own company. This was tongue and cheek of course. It was meant to instill an entrepreneurial spirit and a desire for people to discover their own calling. We wanted the place to be where someone can learn new skills quickly and level up. For the record, I had to stop giving this talk after Antoine Buteau passed the 5 year mark (would have been obviously dumb to lose him).
When we started in 2015, I had no idea what I was doing and then slowly started getting the hang of it. It’s been the most rewarding professional experience of my life. I met and learned from so many interesting founders, CEOs and board members. I learned what it means to be an owner and help other owners along the way.
Starting a company is a journey of self discovery and I learned a lot of myself along the way. That’s the same feeling I’m looking for, something to push my boundaries, be afraid, learn something new and challenge myself again. Stay tuned!
To everyone that followed the journey, from near and far, sending you happy vibes 🙂